Lines and Coordinate tab (Dimension Style and Dimension Properties)

Sets the line and coordinate options for dimensions. The Lines and Coordinate tab is available in the Dimension Style dialog box and in the Dimension Properties dialog box.

Dimension Lines

Sets options for dimension lines.


Controls whether the dimension line extends between both terminators when you place the dimension text and terminators outside the projection lines.


Sets the width of the dimension line.

Stack Pitch

Sets the distance between stacked dimensions. The value is a ratio of the dimension text size.

Break Line

Sets the size of the break line for the dimension line. This value is a ratio of the text size.

Apply Break Line Gap Only if Text Orientation is Horizontal and Text Position is Above

Helps control break line behavior when using different drawing standards, such as the GB standard.

Projection Line

Sets options for the projection line of a dimension.


Controls the display of projection lines on linear dimensions. You can set the display to off, origin, measurement, or origin and measurement. You can use this option to hide projection lines when they overlap and you are using a pen plotter.

Element Gap

Sets how far the projection line is set back from the element you want to dimension. This value is a ratio of the dimension text size.


Sets how far the dimension line extends beyond the dimension. This value is a ratio of the dimension text size.


Sets the slant angle of the projection lines on dimensions.


Specifies the break gap distance applied to dimension projection lines broken with the Add Projection Line Break command. The value can be any nonzero number, which is multiplied by the text height. The default value is 1.


Sets options for coordinate dimensions.

Stack Pitch

Sets the distance between stacked dimensions. The value is a ratio of the dimension text size.

Common Origin

Sets the symbol type for the common origin on coordinate dimensions. You can set the symbol type to dot, circle, or none.

Text Position

Positions text in a coordinate dimension.

Display Coordinate Origin Text

Specifies whether to display 0 at the origin of the coordinate dimension group.

Center Line/Mark

Sets options for centerlines and center marks placed with dimensioning commands.

Center Line Type

Lists and applies the available centerline type. The default is a continuous line type.

Line Extension

Specifies the extent of the centerline.

Center Mark Size

Specifies the height and width of a center mark. This value is a ratio of the dimension text size.

Project Center Line

Displays the projection lines on a center mark.

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