Edit a frame cross section

To modify a structural frame cross section, you can:

Modify the orientation of a cross section
  1. In PathFinder or the graphics window click the frame or frame component you want to modify.

  2. On the command bar, click the Edit Cross Sections button .


    You can also right-click the frame or frame component and choose Edit Cross Sections.

  3. In the Orientation box, type the new orientation for the cross section(s) in degrees.

  4. Click Finish.


  • You can use the arrow keys to shift the cross section to the left, right, up, or down by half a section width.

  • You can press the N key to rotate the cross section 90 degrees.

  • You can press the F key to flip the cross section about the Y axis.

Move a cross section using snap points

You can position a frame using one of the nine default cross section range snap points, a cross section sketch snap point, or cross section centroid.

  1. In PathFinder or the graphics window click the frame or frame component you want to modify.

  2. On the command bar, click the Edit Cross Sections button .


    You can also right-click the frame or frame component and choose Edit Cross Sections.

  3. Click the Define Handle Point button .

    The Modify Cross Sections group expands to show the available frame snap point options.

    Cross section snap points are default points, current points, range box points, centroid, and sketch keypoints.

  4. On the Frames command bar, choose one of the following frame snap points:

  5. Click Finish.


You can press the F key to flip the cross section about the Y axis.

Select a new frame cross section type or size
  1. In PathFinder or the graphics window click the frame or frame component you want to modify.

  2. On the command bar, click the Edit Cross Sections button .


    You can also right-click the frame or frame component and choose Edit Cross Sections.

  3. On the command bar, click the Select New Cross Section Component button.

  4. Select the new cross section from the Frame dialog box or the Standard Parts dialog box.


    • If you selected Standard Parts Library in the Frame Options dialog box, the Standard Parts dialog box is displayed for you to select the cross section.

    • If you selected the Browse for component option in the Frame Options dialog box, the Frame Wizard dialog box is displayed for you to select the cross section from a local or network folder.

  5. Click Finish.

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