Boolean Options dialog box

If target is a Design body and output is a non-manifold body:

Create multiple Design bodies

Creates multiple design bodies if the target is a design body and the solution is a non-manifold body. If the target is an active part body, the body with the highest volume becomes the active part body and the others are design bodies.


When the target is a design body and solution is non-manifold, operation fails and displays an error message. User can redefine inputs or close the command. OK redefines inputs. Cancel restarts the command.

If target is a Construction body and output is a non-manifold body:

Create multiple Construction bodies

Creates multiple construction solids if the target is a construction body and the solution is a non-manifold body.

Create a single Construction general body

Creates one construction general body if the target is a construction body and the solution is a non-manifold body.

Show/Hide Tool Bodies

Show Tools if they are Design bodies

Displays tool bodies on completion of the command if a tool body is a design body.

Show Tools if they are Construction bodies

Displays tool bodies on completion of the command if a tool body is a construction body.


Accepts the settings shown and closes the dialog box.


Resets the dialog box to the default settings.


Closes the dialog box and ignores any changed settings.

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