QuickPick Options Dialog Box

Specifies the properties for QuickPick.


Specifies how long your cursor must remain motionless before the QuickPick prompt is displayed.

Maximum dialog height

Specifies how many items are displayed in the QuickPick toolbar list. If more items are available than are displayed in the list, you can use the vertical scroll bar to display the additional items.

Dialog Width

Specifies the width of the QuickPick toolbar list.

Show Mouse Button on Cursor

Specifies that an image of a mouse is displayed as part of the QuickPick prompt. The mouse image also indicates whether clicking the left or right mouse button (A) displays the QuickPick toolbar list.

Left Mouse Button Displays QuickPick

Specifies that the QuickPick toolbar list is displayed when you click the left mouse button.

Right Mouse Button Displays QuickPick

Specifies that the QuickPick toolbar list is displayed when you click the right mouse button.

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