Upload a video to YouTube

  1. On the status bar in the bottom-right corner of the Application window, choose the Upload command .

  2. On the Upload to YouTube dialog box, click Sign In.

  3. On the Login dialog box, enter your Google Email and Password and click Sign In.

  4. The next screen is a Solid Edge request to manage your YouTube account. Click the Allow access button. If you click the No thanks button, the Google sign in process ends.

  5. Browse for the video you want to upload. You can click the Play button to verify you selected the correct video.

  6. Enter a Title for the video.


    A Title is the only required information for uploading.

  7. Add a video description.

  8. To add a tag for the video:

    1. Click the Tags list and choose a tag.

    2. Click the Add Tag button.

      The tag displays in the tag box. If you click a tag in the tag box, the tag is removed.

    You can apply more than one tag to the video.

  9. Click the box "Content uploaded to YouTube will be viewable to other users. Do not upload any content that you do not want displayed publically".

  10. Click the Upload button.

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