Solid Edge to AutoCAD Translation Wizard (Model Space Scaling)

Assists in exporting the Solid Edge Draft document directly into model space. This dialog box is only displayed if the Export to Paper Space option on the initial AutoCAD Translation Wizard dialog box is not checked.

Model Space Scaling Option

Use sheet scale (1:1)

Scales all geometry in the drawing view and user views based on each drawing view scale to maintain a sheet scale of 1:1. When this option is set the back ground sheet remains the same size and the geometry is scaled to fit within the background sheet.

Use base view scale

Scales all geometry and annotations in the drawing view, user view, background sheets, and the active sheet based on the inverse of the drawing view scale. When this option is set the back ground sheet is scaled and the geometry is represented at a 1:1 scale in AutoCAD.

Use selected scale

Scales all geometry and annotations in the drawing view, user view, background sheets, and the active sheet based on the inverse scale provided by the active sheet or by a user defined scale value.  This option is similar to the base view scale except the scale is set by the user, and is not necessarily the base view scale.

Sheet Options

Active sheet only

Exports only the active draft sheet to the AutoCAD model space.

All sheets

Exports all draft sheets to the AutoCAD model space.

All sheets to separate files

Exports a multi-sheet draft file as individual AutoCAD model space .dxf or .dwg files. During export, the background sheet and working sheet contents are merged with the Solid Edge model view content and exported to AutoCAD model space. Scaling to the exported file is applied based on the selected Model Space Scaling option.

A separate file is created on disk for each Solid Edge sheet. The sheet name is appended to the file name. For example: For example, if the file drawing1.dft contain sthree sheets the following files are created on disk:

  • drawing1_sheet1.dxf

  • drawing1_sheet2.dxf

  • drawing1_sheet3.dxf


If there is only one sheet or active sheet, the sheet name is not appended to the to the file name.

Translate drawing views as blocks

Exports the members of a drawing view as an AutoCAD block. If you clear this option, the members of a drawing view are exported as individual entities.


Discards all input and exits the command.


Moves to the previous dialog box of the Translation Wizard.


Moves to the next dialog box of the Translation Wizard.


Finishes the wizard and returns to the Save As dialog box.

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