Update a drawing view after editing a part or assembly

  1. Position the cursor over a drawing view that is a part view and double-click the left mouse button.

    The part, sheet metal, or assembly document associated with the drawing view is opened.

  2. Edit the part, sheet metal, or assembly document.

  3. Right-click the drawing view.

  4. On the shortcut menu, click Update View.


    The Update View command is only available after you open a part, sheet metal or assembly document in the Draft environment. You can also use the Save command.

  5. Choose Application menu→Close. The document closes and the Draft environment displays the drawing document associated with the part. The affected drawing views are displayed with a border indicating that they are out of date.

  6. To update all the drawing views, choose Home tab→Drawing Views group→Update Views command. The drawing views update.


  • To update a single drawing view, select the drawing view and click the Update View command on the shortcut menu.

  • Force Drawing Views to Update--If you hold Ctrl+Shift when you click Update View, Solid Edge performs a full update, just as it would on initial view creation.  That is, it rereads all of the model data to regenerate the view, rather than only the model data thought to have changed.

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