Place fasteners in an assembly

  1. Choose Home tab→Assemble group→Fastener System .

  2. In the graphics window, select one or more circular edges that represent the top face of the holes you want to fill with a fastener.

  3. Click the Accept button .

  4. In the graphics window, select a cylindrical face that represents the bottom face of the holes you want to fill with a fastener.

  5. On the Fastener System dialog box, select the Selection Type for the component.

  6. In the Selection Filter tree, click the desired hardware category.

  7. In the component Selection list, click a component.

  8. Click the Add Fastener button.

  9. Repeat steps 5-8 until all fastener components are added.

  10. Click OK to place the fastener system.

  11. On the Fastener System command bar, click Finish.


  • The Fastener System command requires a connection to a Standard Parts database.

  • You can use the Select option to select single holes, all holes on the selected face, or the top hole by plane.

  • The elements you select in the Top Hole and Bottom Hole Steps and the fasteners in your database determine which fasteners are displayed in the Fastener System dialog box.

  • You can use the Update command on the PathFinder shortcut menu to update an out-of-date fastener system feature.

  • You can use the Preview in Assembly option to preview the placement of the hardware components in the assembly.

  • You can enable the Saved Fastener Location option to specify where to copy the fasteners. You can copy them either to the local working folder or to the assembly folder. If you select the Copy to Assembly Folder option and the assembly has never been saved the fastener is saved to the My document folder.

  • You can use the Flip option on the Fastener System command bar to flip the fastener to the opposite side of the tangent face or plane.

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