XGL Export Options Dialog Box

XGL is an XML based format that holds facetted 3D model data that can be easily parsed for viewing using rendering api such as OpenGL.


If you save an assembly file in XGL format, the assembly structure is maintained in the exported XGL file.

Chordal Tolerance

Specifies a double precision value that you want to use for tessellating a part. The default Chordal Tolerance value is stored in the SeXGLTrn.INI file, which is located in the Solid Edge Program folder.


Specifies how you want to express the Chordal Tolerance value. The default value that defines how the Chordal Tolerance value is expressed is stored in the SeXGLTrn.INI file, which is located in the Solid Edge Program folder.

Absolute Value

Specifies that the Chordal Tolerance value is the absolute value of the tolerance.

"A Fraction of" Range Box

Specifies that the Chordal Tolerance value is a relative value expressed as a fraction of the range box of the part being tessellated.

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