Add a routing slip

  1. Open the document you want to route.

  2. On the Application menu, point to Send, and then choose Routing Recipient.

  3. Click the Address button.

  4. On the Address dialog box, click the name of a recipient and then click the Add button.

  5. Add all recipients the same way, then click the OK button.

  6. If you want to change the order in which the recipients receive the document, you can use the arrows.


    You have to highlight a recipient before the arrows become active.

  7. In the Subject and Message boxes of the Routing Slip dialog box, type a subject and the message text.

  8. In Route to Recipients, do one of the following

    • Set the One After Another option to route the document to one recipient after another. You can also use this option to set the following options: Return When Done, Track Status, and Ask For Approval.

    • Set the All At Once option to route the document to all recipients at the same time.

  9. On the Routing Slip dialog box, click the Add Slip button.

  10. Click the Route button.

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