Radial Menu page (Customize dialog box)

Adds, removes, and organizes commands on the radial menu.

Environment to customize

This list specifies the environment to which you want to add a custom radial menu. Select the environment first.

Choose commands from

This list specifies the source of commands you want to add to the radial menu. Select the source second.

The bottom-left list specifies which command from the selected category you want to add to the radial menu. Select the command after you select the category, then drag it to the right hand image of the menu; drop it into any wedge within the radial menu.


  • An empty wedge will be populated with the command you drag.

  • If you drop a command into an occupied wedge, the new command replaces the existing one.

  • If you wish to move a command from wedge to another, drag that command to the new wedge; if the target wedge is occupied, the two commands swap wedges.


The top-right list specifies the active radial menu. All documents will contain the Solid Edge Default as a starting theme.


Saves any changes to the active radial menu.

Save As

Saves any changes to a new radial menu which you will name.


Deletes the active theme.


You cannot delete the Solid Edge Default theme.

Start with

This list specifies what radial menu is used as a basis for further edits. whether the default or custom radial menu is used for the active environment.


You can create a new menu using an existing one as its base. If you wish to use most of the Solid Edge Default menu, but need to change a few commands, select Solid Edge Default from the Start with list, make the changes, and save it as a new theme.

Once you begin to customize the radial menu, the Edit option appears in this field. This provides the ability to easily switch between the new menu, the default, and any previous customized menu. When you save the edited menu, it becomes the new custom.


Opens the Solid Edge Options dialog box to the Helpers options, where you can specify radial menu parameters.


Resets all radial menu settings back to default settings for that environment

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