Build a pattern of parts in an assembly

  1. Choose Home tab→Pattern group→Pattern Parts.

  2. Select the part you want to pattern.

  3. On the Pattern Parts command bar, click the Accept button.

  4. Select the part in the assembly that contains the pattern feature you want to use.

  5. In the Assembly window, select the pattern feature on the part.

  6. Select a reference position on the pattern you selected in step 5.

  7. On the command bar, click the Finish button.


  • If the pattern feature on the part was constructed using the Fast Pattern option, you should position the first bolt in the parent feature of the pattern. For example, if you used a hole feature to create the part pattern, position the first bolt in the hole feature, not one of the holes in the pattern feature.

  • You cannot delete individual Pattern Items in a pattern of parts, but you can suppress them using the Suppress command on the PathFinder shortcut menu.

  • The parent part's placement properties are applied to all of the patterned parts.

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