Add custom drawing view scales to Solid Edge

Predefined drawing view scales are displayed in the Scale list in many different locations in the user interface, including the Drawing View Wizard, the Drawing View Properties dialog box, and the Drawing View Selection command bar.

In addition to selecting a predefined drawing view scale from the Scale list, you can type a custom drawing view scale in ratio format in the Scale box, and you can type a decimal value in the Scale Value box.

If you want to include a standard set of custom drawing view scales in your draft documents, you can add them to the custom.xml file, which is located in the Program folder. All of the default English and metric drawing view scales that are provided with Solid Edge are read from this file.

  1. Open the custom.xml file in a text editor or XML editor.

    The default location of this file is C:\Program Files\Solid Edge ST5\Program.

  2. Scroll to the section of the file that begins with this tag:

    <DrawingViewScales version="1">

    Below this are two sets of predefined drawing view scales, English and metric. They are formatted like this:

    <DVScaleSet name=”English”> 
         <DVScale value=”100:1”/>
         <DVScale value=”80:1”/>
    <DVScaleSet name=”Metric”> 
         <DVScale value=”50:1”/>
         <DVScale value=”20:1”/>
  3. Keeping the same format, add your custom drawing view scales to the appropriate list. Any drawing view scale that employs positive numbers is valid.


    For example, both “3:2” and “2.5:0.5” are valid values. If an entry in is invalid, it does not appear in the drawing view scale list in Solid Edge.

  4. Save and close the file.

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