Drawing Area dialog box

The Drawing Area dialog box collects the information necessary to create a scaled work space on the 2D Model sheet. The instructions provided by the dialog box are organized into three steps:

Step 1.

Select sheet Size for final printed drawing.

Step 2.

Enter Working area width x height OR scale factor.

Step 3.

Select a block representing the drawing border.

Sheet Size list

Specifies a sheet size for the finished printed drawing.

Width, Height text boxes and Calculate Scale button

The Width and Height text boxes specify the overall physical size of the part or assembly to be created. You can enter size information in both fields or in just one field, clearing the other. Press Enter to have the system calculate the second dimension from the first.

Click the Calculate Scale button to compute the scale of the drawing from the width, height, and sheet size.

The default values in the Width and Height fields are the dimensions of the selected sheet size.

Scale text box and Calculate Height x Width button

When setting up a new drawing area, the Scale value is used to stretch or shrink the border so that it fits the intended design size of the part or assembly. Also, it is applied to the annotation text size to maintain the correct text height when new annotations are added. This enables you to annotate in 2D model space or on the working sheet using model views.

If you clear the Width and Height fields and type a value in the Scale text box, you can click the Calculate Width x Height button to compute the area of the required work space.


The text scale value for new annotation is stored per sheet. To change the text scale for all new annotations added to the sheet, change the setting in the Text Scale field located on the annotation command bar before the annotation is placed.


If you edit the text scale on the Properties dialog box of a selected annotation, you only change the scale for the individual annotation, not for the sheet.

The default value in the Scale field is 1.00.


Displays the file name and path name of a source draft document for a drawing border. If the file contains blocks, they are listed at the bottom of the Drawing Area dialog box.


Click to browse to a different draft file containing blocks for the drawing area border.

To choose a drawing border created specifically for the AutoCAD environment, select one of the drawing border blocks from the TitleBlocks.dft file located in the \Program Files\Solid Edge ST5\Sample Blocks folder.

Place Block

Set this option then select a drawing border by its block name from the list below. Clear this option if you do not want to use a border.


The Drawing Area dialog box does not retain settings between sessions. When you close the dialog box, the settings revert to the default.

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