Steering Wheel Move in an assembly

  1. Using the select tool, select the assembly component to move or copy. Add or remove additional components to the select set by CTRL+LMB click.

  2. Click the copy button to copy rather than move the components.

  3. Select related faces will find synchronous faces that are related to the components in the select set. The move operation will act upon these faces and live rules will control the behavior. Copy is not valid if faces are selected.

  4. To select a subassembly component, click the move subassembly component button. Otherwise the full subassembly will be moved or copied.

  5. Drag the steering wheel to move or copy. Relationships between selected components will be preserved. You have the option to delete or suppress the relationships that become invalid because of the move.

  6. You can remove the relationships, repair them or reconnect them to other components. For more information see the Steering Wheel Move command (Assembly environment) Help topic.